Monday, October 24, 2011

What are "debt for nature"swaps? How can they be used to encourage the protection of tropical rain forests?

"Debt for nature"swaps are where by the international debts of a country are canceled in return for their protection of tropical rain forests.

How are the rain forests an integral part of Earth's Ecosystems?

Forests are an important stabilizing feature of Eath's land surface. They absorb CARBON DIOXIDE' release oxygen, and hekp to regulate the water cycle. Forests are partof the intricate web of life that acts within the ecosystem. For example tropical rain forests abound with unique and beautiful plants and animals found nowhere else. At least 50 percent of all species live in these forests. About one quarter of the world's medicines contain ingredients from tropical plants. For example, doctors use the rosy periwinkle totreat lymphocytic leukemia in children, quinine from the bark of the CHINCHONA plantto prevent and treat malaria, and curare, also from tree bark, during heart surgery.

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